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Your Career Begins With a Meeting

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First Impressions Count ~ Personality Sets the Tone
Communication Skills Seal the Deal

My Commitment to You

It’s not like you haven’t read, watched, or heard about the necessary steps you need to take to turn your dream career into a reality: You clarify your goal, take action and if you don’t get the positive result you wanted from the outcome, you reevaluate the process, and try again with a new approach. You learn from mistakes and understand that each experience is taking you that much closer to your desired outcome.

Sounds easy, and in theory, it is. In reality, the mental pressure to succeed and anticipation anxiety over an unwanted outcome can slow down your progress, or even stop you in your tracks.

I know this personally because after I flew to Europe with only $400.00 in my pocket and no guarantees of work, I spent six years emotionally ping-ponging back and forth from dreading the outcome of each interview along with the constant worry if I’d book another modeling job, to landing great assignments that paid my bills and travel expenses.

To look at my photographs during that time, you would guess I was confident and carefree instead of living out a pattern of unconscious, habitual fear over the unknown that continued when I moved on to pursue other careers. Like an archer, ready to release the bow, I hesitated, weighed down with anxiety, afraid of missing the mark.

It wasn’t until I studied life coaching and understood that positive and effective change requires a shift in mindset, not just behavior, that I created the Audition/Interview workshop.

I am excited to share coaching strategies that shift doubt and resistance attached to that all-important job interview from, ‘I'm afraid what might happen,’ to an attitude of ‘bring it on, I’m ready to step into the infinite possibilities I will embrace on my way to a successful career.'

My motto and encouragement for you: Aim high in Life ~ it’s your destiny.

Lori Jones

Growing Up Beautiful                My first fiction novel deals with uncertainty in the world of modeling. You can read the first three chapters online at http://growingupbeautiful.com


To set up a complementary 30-minute consultation, request an interview, or book Lori to speak at your next event, please email lori@lorijonescoach.com

Lori Jones - Audition/Interview Coach

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