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You can't shoot for the stars when doubt and dread won't let you go.
The secret to releasing the bow...believe in yourself.

‘Whatever you dream you can do, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power & magic in it.’ ~Von Goethe

Jumping People


You've got a great resumé and specific skills for your chosen career. You've invested time and energy preparing for the day you walk into the interview room. With so much competition out there, you know you need to make a great first impression - on so many levels . That means looking and feeling your best. You reassure yourself you've got that covered.  And then....


Out of nowhere, a limiting belief pops up, creating doubt and confusion. It’s that voice in your head that thinks everyone else is smarter, better for the job, or luckier. You may be familiar with this negative thought pattern, or maybe it's new. The only clarity you have is wanting that anxious energy to go away so you can stay focused and enjoy your moment to shine. But how?


You don't need to go through the stress of 'faking it until you make it,' or force emotions you don't authentically feel while pursuing your dreams. You already have everything you need within you to shift anxiety to self-assurance in order to attract the life and career you want. I invite you to book a free consult today and explore the many life coaching strategies that are available to you once you decide to step into your power .  


I've been waiting for the right  words to articulate the difference Lori has made in my life in just a  short time, but I know better than waiting for perfection now. She is a  natural coach, as if she's been doing this for many lifetimes. I  appreciate her abilities, her kindness, and her compassion.
~ Joy

With graduation passed, the sense of dread entering the "real world" and finding a job was upon me. Having Lori to not just walk me through the steps of acing my interview but giving me the tools to succeed on my own in the future was such a relief. I was impressed with her ability to dissect the requirements of a job using my work experience, allowing me to better articulate my qualifications during the interview. Her friendly and positive demeanor eliminated all doubts and fears I had associated with finding a career, especially so soon after graduation. I would recommend her services to anyone looking for tangible, empowering skills to grow their professional careers. 

~ Ian


When I met Lori, I saw someone who had tremendous energy and knowledge: and I knew, right there and then, she was the right coach for me. I was looking for someone that would push me to find the Lion Spirit that was inside of me. By the end of the program I felt different; walked and talked like a Lion. All these accomplishments were done with the help of this wonderful woman .  

~ Gerardo

Lori helped me to understand the importance of letting go of my 'imposter syndrome fears.' I no longer feel like I have to get out there and prove that I have 'value.' I have what it takes to succeed. My focus now is to keep going until I reach my goal.
~ Tyler

Lori was able to listen to my jumbled thoughts, laser beam to the heart of the REAL issue and reflect it back to me in a way that made me say "Yes, exactly that!" Her coaching is equal parts playful + tough love, and that was the exact equation I needed in order to get around my objections and obstacles and feel a renewed sense of joy and energy toward my career.

~ Elyse  

Hoffman      Erickson      Thrive


To set up a complementary 30-minute consultation, request an interview, or book Lori to speak at your next event, please email lori@lorijonescoach.com

Lori Jones - Audition/Interview Coach

Copyright © Lori Jones - Solution Focused Coaching - All Rights Reserved.